What To Do With The Bible

The following are a few things every Christian should do with their Bible…
  1. Read It Daily.
    Every Christian should spend some time every day reading the Bible. The best time for Bible reading is first thing in the morning. A new believer may want to read the Gospel of John or Psalms to begin with, but at some point, we should start reading our Bibles through, cover to cover. I like to read my Bible through each year.
  2. Meditate On It Deeply.
    Joshua 1:8-9 & Psalm 1:1-3 give very clear and precious promises to those who meditate in God’s Word on a daily basis. This is more that just reading through a passage, but giving careful thought and consideration to what is being said, and then considering all the ways it applies to my life and circumstances.
  3. Claim It’s Promises Delightfully.
    The Bible is filled with wonderful promises for the child of God. I cannot claim promises I do not know exist, so take God at His Word and claim the promises He has given us. Note: be careful that the promise applies to the believer. Some promises are to the nation of Israel specifically and not necessarily for the New Testament believer.
  4. Heed It’s Warnings Diligently.
    God is all-wise, knows the future outcome of all our actions. When He gives warnings in His Word, it is wise for us to heed those warnings and take them very seriously.
  5. Follow It’s Instructions Decisively.
    When we do exactly what God’s Word tells us to do, we’ll get the results it says we will get. God knows what He is doing and knows what is best for us, thus it is a good idea to do exactly what He instructs us to do.
  6. Memorize It Deliberately.
    One of our greatest weapons against sin and temptation is hiding God’s Word in our hearts and minds (Psalm 119:11). Memorize reference and the exact wording of the passage and not just the “thought” of the passage.
  7. Share It Dutifully..
    Our entire world needs the Word of God. It needs to be translated into every language of the world, printed by Bible believing, local church publishers, and then preached and distributed throughout the world by God’s people.