Tactics Satan used on our Lord Jesus

Notice some tactics Satan used on our Lord Jesus in Matthew 4
  • Satan Often Strikes Hard Following A Great Victory.  Jesus had just been baptized and God the Father pronounced that He was well pleased with Jesus Christ.  Satan immediately tries to interfere.  After a great spiritual victory or a time of special blessing, be sure you have the whole armor of God on because that is when the Devil will most likely attack.
  •  Satan Hits Us Were We Are Weakest/Most Vulnerable. Jesus had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and now was very hungry.  Satan seized on his physical “weakness” and tempted Him with Bread.  It is very important that we understand thoroughly our own areas of weakness.  We must study ourselves and determine what our vulnerabilities are and be on guard.  Our weaknesses are not all the same; what is a weakness for one person may not be a weakness for another, but one this is certain, we all have our own unique set of weaknesses.
  • Satan Is Unrelenting.  Satan comes again, and again, and again. Without a doubt, he is one of the hardest working beings in existence.  He never takes vacation.  He takes no “lunch breaks!” We must understand that overcoming one temptation is not the end of temptation.  Satan always comes back with more.  Defeating the Devil on Sunday does not mean you will not have to face him on Monday.
  • Satan Is A Bible “Scholar” And Uses God’s Word To His Advantage.  Jesus overcame Satan’s temptation by quoting the Word of God, and lo, and behold, Satan comes right back and quotes Scripture himself.  Do not be deceived, Satan knows the Bible.  He can and will use passages out of context and twist their meanings to accomplish his evil plans. We must be diligent students of God’s Word so that we can recognize when it is being used out of context or when it’s truth is being twisted into a falsehood.
The best thing to do following a spiritual victory is to just keep right on doing what we did that brought about the victory. Read, study, and memorize the Word of God.  Pray consistently and diligently.  Be faithful to church and the ministry God has given you. And when Satan attacks, stand your ground and press forward with the Gospel.



    On May 7, 1979 I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.  He literally transformed me, from the inside-out, into a new man. After all these years, I am still amazed at the profound, complete, permanent, and glorious change the Lord has produced in my life.
    The day I followed the Lord in believer’s baptism is forever etched into my mind. Baptism is the most important action a new believer can take.  It is the first step in the Christian life.  Bible baptism was always by immersion and immediately followed a profession of faith.
  3. I’M GLAD I JOINED A LOCAL, FUNDAMENTAL, INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH!  The local church has helped me grow in my faith, understand God’s Word, and blessed me more than any other institution in existence.  Note:  Attending church is good, but every Christian needs to join a good local church.  By the way, the more I study and understand God’s Word, the stronger I become in my Baptist convictions.
  4. I’M GLAD GOD HAS PUT INTO MY HEART A LOVE AND DESIRE FOR THE WORD OF GOD!  The Bible has meant more to me in my life than any other possession I have.
  5. I’M GLAD GOD HAS PUT IN MY HEART A DESIRE TO SEE SOULS SAVED!  There is nothing as thrilling as seeing the Lord transform the lives of people who trust Him as their personal Savior. I’m certainly not the soul winner I desire to be, but winning others to faith in Christ is the greatest thing I know.
  6. I’M GLAD JESUS HAS PROMISED HE’S COMING BACK!  As our world degenerates into spiritual anarchy, it is a great encouragement to know that our Lord and Savior is coming again to make things right.
No doubt, most folks reading this feel the way I do, but if we are not careful, our enthusiasm can and will fade over a period of time if we do not maintain our walk with the Lord.